Søren Martinius Jobsen, born September 11, 1813 in Tromøy, Norway

This post is meant to be there in case relatives of Søren Martinius Jobsen are looking for his family. Søren Martinius was born September 11, 1813 in Tromøy, Norway – close to Arendal city.  The reason why I post this in English is because Søren Martinius sailed at sea and eventually (not sure when) emigrated to England.

Søren Martinius Jobsen settled according to family history in Whitehaven, but so far we have found no traces of him.

Søren Martinius Jobsen was the first child of Job Frich and Karen Marie Sørensdatter.

Sources about Søren Martinius Jobsen are few:

In November 1867 (after his father Job Frich died), the following is mentioned: «Son of 1st marriage, Søren Martinius, living in England, no information if he lives or not.»

Søren Martinius Jobsen was baptised September 19, 1813: https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/9621/45995/19

Søren Martinius had his confirmation on October 12, 1828 in Tromøy: https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/9845/46682/10

As far as I know, I see no traces of him after 1828. If you read this and know more, please let me know at nikolaisen AT gmail.com.

It is also possible that Søren Martinius called himself Frich by last name (because his father was Job Frich). I guess the following varieties are possible:

  • Søren Martinius Jobsen
  • Søren Martinius Frich
  • Soren Martinius Jobsen
  • Soren Martinius Frich
  • Soren Martinius Jobson
  • Soren Frich
  • Soren Jobsen
  • Soren Jobson

etc. etc.

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